
연세대학교 교원정보 | Yonsei Faculty Information

가민호 프로필사진
가민호 Min Ho, Ka (Min-Ho Ka)
Seoul Campus
School of Integrated Technology/Professor
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가학현 프로필사진
가학현 KA Hakhyun
MIRAE Campus
Division of Biological Science and Technology/Professor
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강건욱 프로필사진
강건욱 Keonwook Kang
Seoul Campus
Department of Mechanical Engineering/Associate Professor
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강경근 프로필사진
Seoul Campus
Department of Mathematics/Professor
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강달영 프로필사진
강달영 Khang Dahl-Young
Seoul Campus
Department of Materials Science and Engineering/Associate Professor
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강동익 프로필사진
강동익 Kang DongIk
Seoul Campus
Department of Economics/Assistant Professor
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강문기 프로필사진
강문기 Moon Gi Kang
Seoul Campus
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering/Professor
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강민주 프로필사진
강민주 Min Ju Kang
Seoul Campus
Department of Child and Family Studies/Associate Professor
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강상욱 프로필사진
강상욱 Kang, Sangwook
Seoul Campus
Department of Applied Statistics/Dean
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강성호 프로필사진
강성호 Sungho Kang
Seoul Campus
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering/Professor
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강수미 프로필사진
Seoul Campus
Law School/Professor
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강승범 프로필사진
강승범 Kang Seungbeom
Seoul Campus
Department of Urban Planning and Engineering/Assistant Professor
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강바다 프로필사진
강바다 Bada Kang
Seoul Campus
Department of Nursing /조교수
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강상욱 프로필사진
강상욱 Sang-Wook Kang
Seoul Campus
Department of Surgery/교수
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강석구 프로필사진
강석구 Seok-Gu Kang
Seoul Campus
Department of Neurosurgery/교수
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강석민 프로필사진
Seoul Campus
Department of Internal Medicine/교수
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강성웅 프로필사진
강성웅 seong woong kang
Seoul Campus
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine/교수
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강신애 프로필사진
Seoul Campus
Department of Internal Medicine/교수
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강신욱 프로필사진
Seoul Campus
Department of Internal Medicine/교수
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강영애 프로필사진
Seoul Campus
Department of Internal Medicine/교수
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강원준 프로필사진
강원준 Won Jun Kang
Seoul Campus
Department of Nuclear Medicine/교수
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강은석 프로필사진
Seoul Campus
Department of Internal Medicine/교수
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강정민 프로필사진
강정민 Chung Min Kang
Seoul Campus
Department of Pediatric Dentistry/조교수
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강정현 프로필사진
강정현 Jeonghyun Kang
Seoul Campus
Department of Surgery/교수
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강대용 프로필사진
MIRAE Campus
/정밀의학과 교수
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강지은 프로필사진
강지은 Kang,Jieun
MIRAE Campus
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강태욱 프로필사진
강태욱 Kang,Tae Wook
MIRAE Campus
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고성민 프로필사진
MIRAE Campus
/영상의학교실 교수
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고진호 프로필사진
고진호 Koh,Jin-Ho
MIRAE Campus
/융합의과학부 부교수
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공성찬 프로필사진
공성찬 Gong,Seong Chan
MIRAE Campus
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공인덕 프로필사진
공인덕 Kong,In Deok
MIRAE Campus
/융합의과학부 교수
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공태훈 프로필사진
공태훈 Kong,Tae Hoon
MIRAE Campus
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